Friday, January 08, 2010

Password Safe

A password safe with a touch screen UI introducing Fluid Controls.


Password Safe is a .NET 2.0 Mobile application that allows you to keep your passwords in your mobile secured with the top secure AES encryption. It provides a nice touch surface with gestures, and can be completely used without a stylus, except when you're writing or editing new passwords.

First of all, when you download the exe, you just need to put the DLL and the exe file to any location of your choice. Then, you can start the exe after two security warnings. The password.pws file is optional, and can be placed in the “\My Documents” folder, and contains a demo database just to play around. This database has no password.

How to use Password Safe

The first time you start Password Safe, a welcome screen appears, and an empty default database is created. As the next step, you should create a password for it using the "Change Password" button. Then, you can select a category of passwords. After selecting a category, it appears empty, and you can use the "+" button on the header at the right to create a new one. Just type in a field. You'll notice that the Undo (blue button) and the Save button at the bottom get activated. Now, you can either undo your changes or save them. They are automatically saved when you log out or close Password Safe. If you want to delete a password, go to Details, press the "-" button on the header, and confirm the message dialog.

The Search button becomes active when you are are in a category list. You can minimize the contents of the list by opening the Search panel. In this panel, you can type like you type an SMS. Only those items that contain a part of the possible text you typed remain in the list.

If you want to minimize the choice of categories, click the "+" button on the header to add or remove categories. Don't worry if you remove a category. The passwords don't get lost and are still available in the "All Passwords" category, and you can add the category back to the list at any time.

In future releases I will add the possibility to create and edit our own categories. That's why the categories are all stored in the password.pws database.

Password Safe

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