Friday, September 12, 2008

Bar Code Manager

Save all your bar codes into this program and have the cashier scan the image from your Pocket PC.

The API (BarCode.dll) is simple:

1. Create a BarCodeSerializer object.
2. Set the DisplayNumber property to your bar code number you want to process.
3. Use the IsValid property verify it is a valid 12 digit bar code.
4. Use the MakeValid property to make a valid 12 digit bar code from an 11 digit number. Some cards only show 11 of the 12 digits. The 12th is used as a "check" digit.
5. Use the CreateBitmap method to create a bitmap of approximately the desired dimensions.

In a possible future release, I might extend the bar code manager to take a picture with a high resolution camera and import a bar code number. That would be an interesting computer vision problem!

My Brain Hurts

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