The idea behind this app is to have a remote access over your SMS.
What is it?
A mini custom webserver which allows you to access all your contacts over internet. and story doesn't stop here, you can send sms to selected contact from the rendered webpage. The SMS will be sent through your mobile
From v0.4 you can now fetch the SMS from your device to the webpage.
So now read and write both are possible
You can access your contacts over the Internet, send messages to them remotely from your mobile.
In case you forget your mobile at home and app is not running Don't worry just send "Start Server" and it will respond to your command So then just access the website and all your contacts are in front of you and the Power to SMS them.
Worried about your battery. Kill the battery sucker from the webpage
Ok enough of description now the setup part.
1. Download the cab and install it.
2. Look for SMS Server CP and open it.
3. The app is simple but has some settings, we will now see those.
Port Number: default is 5050, this will be used to connect to your device from internet.
UserName: Password: For setting up this value we need to follow some steps.
Here we are trying to create an entry for our device at it is free. Basically whenever we connect to internet the IP will change so we need to check every time what the IP is, so this step can be avoided by using this service. Just register a hostname for your device and access your device using this hostname, so no need to remember/find the IP of your device.
The username/password field are the one which you would use while creating the account in the
ServerName: here fill the domain name which you have opted for. Dont use Http just the domain name.
CurrentIP: buggy but will display your device IP(sometimes)
After this is setup
1.Click Menu and then Click Save.
2.Click Update HTML, this will generate the HTML which will be hosted on your device, and can be accessed through internet.
3.RemoteActivation is for enabling the Remote starting of server. Enabling it will allow you to start the server by sending an SMS having "Start Server" command. in either case you will receive the message back notifying you about the status.
4. In case you want to manually test/start it first click Update IP. this should be done when you have registerd a hostname on
5. Click Start server.
How to access the webpage.
Open your fav browser. write the hostname eg.
the 5050 is the port number which you have set up for connectivity at control panel.
If the server is running and every thing is fine you should see a webpage, it will have a dropdown containing all your contacts and a text field you can manually enter some number or just choose the contact and its number will be displayed in the textbox.
enter some sms text and click send, the page will show the status in case message sending was a success then success will be displayed else an Error. In case you want to stop the server click Stop Server this should kill the server running in your device.
register for an account.
Goto my services and choose add hostname under Host services
Enter a desired hostname with service type category as Host with ip address. provide any random IP address, this will be updated by the app later. refer the attachments also.
This is still under testing and may not work as expected... There is lot to be done.
MiniSMS Server
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