Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ActiveTweak 1.3

ActiveTweak is designed for the PC running ActiveSync. It allows you to do some things Microsoft never intended. Some Features:

* Set yourself up as a guest partner and never have it prompt you again
* Remove those installs you accidentally clicked on that will be run on the next activesync connection
* Stop the Application Manager from popping up every time you cradle your device.
* Delete Partnerships without having to wipe out activesync and reinstall.
* Change the communication timeouts on the sync. Slow Computer? No longer a problem! (tho you might want to check for spyware, if it's that slow....)

Activetweak 1.2 ensures compatibility with ActiveSync 3.8. There was an issue in ActiveTeak 1.1 with AS 3.8 that is now corrected.

Activetweak 1.3 adds the following functions:

* Auto-open the explore my device window
* Shutdown the ActicveSync Processes running on the PC, even if the device is connected
* Restart Activesync
* Remove ActiveSync from the Windows startup, so it does not load when Windows does.

Activetweak works with ActiveSync 3.8 through 4.2


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