Here is a picture guide on how to flash your ACER ETEN DX900 using your PC.
Step 1: Sync your Phone with your PC using your USB Cable
Step 2: Open your PC's Temp Folder by typing %temp% on your PC's Start>RUN
Step 3: Copy DX900_EUUs.exe and ROM file you want to flash (in this case it's ETEN 551 23403 build Lite Tweaked temp.bin)
Step 4: Rename the ROM File
to temp.dat
Step 5: Double Click on DX900_EUUs.exe
To launch the device software update utility
Follow the instructions
Until you finish flashing
I'm try to update wm6.1 to 6.5 but alway got problem can't usb not found.
The same thing to me.....
I'm try to update wm6.1 to 6.5 but alway got problem can't usb not found.
i also tried a couple of the rom updates but all i get is the boatloader that says"wainting for donwload" which i keep running for like an hour or something but no response.
Someone help! i tried de pc flashing and the memory flash but still not wm 6.5
Hello Oldsap,
I cant find the DX900_EUUs and the other files in my TEMP Files even with my 6.1 DX900 already connected. Im using VISTA. Any help. Thanks!!
I was able to extract the USBDLUpdate_console.exe file from the temp directory.
but... when I run the DX900_EUUS.exe, at first the phone says :USB Host is not connected yet.
then it says USB host is connected.
Waiting for download.
and nothing
after a while on my PC I get an error message: No USB connect detected.
I tried the official Acer ROM update (from their FTP site)... and got the same download...
Can you please please elaborate on the ROM update procedure.
I just did this procedure,unfortunately i bricked my 3 day old acerdx900.too bad, everytime i power on it shows glofiish and after 2 mins. it goes black and doesnt turn on.if someone who has solution on this pls help...thanks
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